3.2 Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Diversity Policy and Procedure
The Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Diversity Policy and Procedure describes how Choice Community Health creates an environment in which all persons related to Choice Community Health feel respected and included. Choice Community Health will not support any form of discrimination. Choice Community Health conducts its business activities without any prejudice or discrimination based on cast, colour, race, sexuality, gender or background.
Choice Community Health is committed to treat all personnel and anyone related to its business operations in way that is respectful, courteous and unbiased. Choice Community Health does not tolerate any discrimination based on age, cast, colour, race, gender, sexuality or background. Choice Community Health understands the value of diversity in its workforce and its client population.
The Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Diversity Procedure specifies how Choice Community Health provides a safe and respectable working environment, where all persons are treated equally.
Choice Community Health defines discrimination as treating someone unfavourably because of a personal characteristic protected by the law, such as sex, age, race or disability. This includes instances when an unreasonable requirement, condition or practice is imposed that has, or is likely to have, the effect of disadvantaging people with a personal characteristic protected by law.
Protected personal characteristics under Federal discrimination law include:
a disability, disease or injury, including work-related injury
parental status or status as a carer, for example, because they are responsible for caring for children or other family members
race, colour, descent, national origin, or ethnic background
age, whether young or old, or because of age in general
industrial activity, including being a member of an industrial organisation like a trade union or taking part in industrial activity, or deciding not to join a union
pregnancy and breastfeeding
sexual orientation, intersex status or gender identity, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, queer and heterosexual
marital status, whether married, divorced, unmarried or in a de facto relationship or same sex relationship
political opinion