4.7 Building and Environment Policy and Procedure
The Building and Environment policy and procedure works in conjunction with the Health and Safety, Security and Risk Management policies and procedures to help create a safe and secure environment for clients and staff.
Choice Community Health is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its staff and clients. Choice Community Health will take the necessary measures to ensure that the work building is safe, hygienic and well-maintained.
Risk Assessments will be performed for all service provision locations like office, client’s homes etc. in accordance with Choice Community Health Risk Management policy and procedure.
Building Hazards
Home care workers must be aware, and make allowance for, any building hazards in a client’s home. Actions to ensure their safety include taking care when using the stairs and removing trip hazards in the client’s home.
Animal and pet safety
When a home care worker is in a client’s home, they should speak with the client about pet safety. This may include restraining the pet and excluding the pet from specific locations.
Electrical safety
All home care workers using electrical equipment in a client’s home must carry a portable Residual Current Device and they will plug all electrical equipment they are using into this device.
Water safety
All home care workers must ensure that they carry their own supply of water for their consumption.
Lifting safety
Home care workers are not permitted to lift any item weighing more than 10 kg on their own. If they need to lift a heavier weight than this, they must either use a lifting aid or be assisted by another home care worker.
Hygiene safety
Home care workers must take care of their hygiene safety when providing care in a client’s home. This includes washing their hands before and after leaving the clients home, using hand sanitiser after touching the client or any surface, using appropriate personal protective equipment when cleaning and ensuring a clean work area using a disposable cloth.
Biohazard safety
If a home care worker is required to manage biological hazards including human and pet waste, they should request that the specific biohazard site is rostered at the end of their working roster, conduct the biohazard activity at the end of the care or service episode, wear full biohazard personal protective equipment and dispose of the personal protective equipment at the client’s location.