Choice Community Health believes you have the right to choose the supports provided to you and how that support is delivered.

The Choice Community Health service manager will work with you, in conjunction with any other stakeholders or advocate(s) you wish to involve, to develop a Client Centred Plan/Care Plan outlining your needs. We believe you are in control at all times of the services being provided to you.

The service manager will discuss with you what requirements you have for support and will include any goals you may have and what strategies will be utilised to achieve these goals. Individuals may choose not to have written goals; this is for you and your support person/advocate to decide.

The Client Centred Plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure that we have the right supports in place to meet your needs and to update any information that may have changed.

At each review date, all parties will be asked to sign the Client Centred Plan/Care Plan, and a copy will be provided to you. Clients may request an alternative Client Centred Plan format if the standard format does not meet their needs.

A copy of this documentation is shown to your support workers so they are aware of the care and support needs you require and what duties and tasks are expected of them while on shift. These care plans will be updated during service reviews or as needed.

For further assistance, contact us at:

Version Date
1.0 22/11/2024