2.12 Client Exit Policy and Procedure
Care recipients can decide to leave the Aged Care program. Choice Community Health follows standard regulatory instructions if a client exits the aged home care program.
Choice Community Health understands and respects the right of care recipients to leave the Aged Home Care program. Choice Community Health will assist with handover procedures and follow standard protocols in dealing with unspent fees.
If a Choice Community Health client decides to leave the Aged Care program, they will need to notify Choice Community Health This can be done by notifying a Care Worker. The worker will communicate this to the Care Manager, who will be responsible for ensuring that a Client Transfer or Exit Form is filled.
Notifying Services Australia
Choice Community Health Care Manager will notify Services Australia through the Care Portal. The notification will include the cessation date and the reason for exit.
Choice Community Health will assist in any handover activities to other entities like service providers of other programs like residential care. If requested by client, their information and medical and clinical records can also be transferred to new care providers.
Unspent Amount
Within 70 days of client exit, their unspent home care amount will be transferred to them. This will be ensured by Care Manager with assistance from Accountant.
Death of a Client
In case a client passes away, the notification will be made to Service Australia and My Aged Care. The unspent amount will be transferred to their estate. Other procedures pertaining to this are discussed in the Death of a Client policy and procedure.
Supporting Documents
Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:
Death of a Client policy and procedure
Client Transfer or Exit Form
Procedure Ownership and Revision
The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and procedure. The individual responsibilities may be delegated to executive body members.