2.11 Client Leave Policy and Procedure

As per the Security of Tenure policy and procedure, Choice Community Health abides by and understands the right of its clients to receive continued care services. A care recipient’s security of tenure is not affected by their choice to take leave.


Choice Community Health is committed to ensuring that all clients understand their leave entitlements and are able to take leave without affecting their security of tenure.


This policy and procedure outline the leave process for Choice Community Health clients. Care recipients are allowed to temporarily suspend their package for any reason as per the Aged Care regulations.

Types of Leaves:

According to the Aged Care regulations, the care recipient can take leave due to any of the following reasons:

Hospital Stay

Transition care following a hospital stay

Residential respite care

Other reasons (such as social leave)

Notification of Leave

The care recipients are communicated about the requirement to notify Choice Community Health that they will be taking leaves. The notification will include the dates of leaves and the different types of leave. The clients can give written notice or inform the Care Worker, who will be responsible for reporting the leave notification to the Care Manager. This leave notification will be recorded and made a part of the client’s folder.

Impact on Subsidy and Fees

The subsidy and fees may still be payable to Choice Community Health depending on the duration and type of leave. The details are as follows:

Supporting Documents

Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:

Security of Tenure Policy and Procedure

Procedure Ownership and Revision