2.13 Clinical Governance Policy and Procedure
Choice Community Health follows recommended framework for Clinical Governance to ensure that Clinical Care is provided in way that prioritises quality of care and safety and wellbeing of clients.
Choice Community Health incorporates standard clinical governance framework to its governance and management systems. Choice Community Health is committed to providing high quality clinical care through proper implementation of quality systems in its governance and business operations.
Choice Community Health’s management systems are established based on the Clinical Governance Framework, which is advised by the Aged Care Commission. Clinical governance is an integrated set of leadership behaviours, policies, procedures, responsibilities, relationships, planning, monitoring and improvement mechanisms that are implemented to support safe, quality clinical care and good clinical outcomes for each consumer.
Core Elements of Clinical Governance
The Core elements of the clinical governance framework as defined by the Aged Care commission are:
A. Leadership and culture
B. Consumer partnerships
C. Organisational systems
D. Monitoring and reporting
E. Effective workforce
F. Communication and relationships
Choice Community Health follows and implements the core elements of clinical governance in its policies and procedures.
Additional Requirements
Additional requirements include:
Anti-Microbial Stewardship
Open Disclosure
Quality Assessment