3.3 Delegation of Authority Policy and Procedure

Choice Community Health clearly identifies responsibilities and authorities of its personnel. Contingencies for the delegation of these responsibilities and authorities are also required to ensure that absence of any personnel doesn’t hinder service provision operations and the quality of care is maintained.


Choice Community Health strives to ensure high-quality and efficient service provision operations for its clients. All personnel activities are defined clearly through job descriptions, and authorities for high-level decisions are restricted to the management. However, to ensure continued operability, in cases of absence of personnel, delegation and succession plans are implemented.


The Directors are ultimately responsible for the efficient operation of the organisation. Relevant mangers are responsible for their departments. Each policy and procedure identify the person responsible and accountable for the implementation and upkeep of the procedural practices laid out in the policies. The roles and responsibilities of each job and described in the Role Descriptions.

In case of a long absence, members of the executive body or managers can delegate some authorities or responsibilities to their department members. The competence and awareness of the personnel to whom these authorities will be delegated upon must be reviewed and if they are inadequate by any means, the delegation will not be authorised.

The Directors reviews and approves the delegation decisions.

The Delegation of Authority form is used to document, review and approve the delegation.

In case that there are no personnel that can competently perform the responsibilities of the manager, Directors will take on the authority during the time of their absence.

Supporting Documents

Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:

Role Descriptions

Delegation of Authority form

Staff Hiring and Induction Policy and Procedure

Procedure Ownership and Revision

The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and procedure. The individual responsibilities may be delegated to executive body members.

This procedure will be reviewed and approved by Governing Body on a regular basis (annually). If there are legislative or organisational changes, it will need to be reviewed more frequently. The current revision history is recorded in the table below:

Document History and Version Control