3.4 Disputes and Grievances Policy and Procedure

Disputes and grievances can arise due to several reasons at a workplace. Choice Community Health has policies and procedures in place to prevent any harassment, prejudice and intimidation. Despite this, Choice Community Health understands that disagreements between co-workers, supervisors, management and other parties can occur. These disputes and grievances shall be resolved in a constructive, positive and fair way.


Choice Community Health will deal with workplace conflicts, disputes, disagreements and grievances in a professional, fair, unbiased, discreet and constructive way to ensure a satisfactory resolution.


Choice Community Health may receive grievances from staff through verbal complaints, written complaints or feedback, findings from reviews or other sources.

All managers are responsible for evaluating grievance in an unbiased manner. If the conflict is between two personnel reporting to the same manager, then this manager will resolve the matter. If any aggrieved party or personnel is not satisfied, they can choose to fill out a Complaint or Feedback Form. Following which, the Complaint and Feedback protocols will be in effect as per the Continuous Improvement policy and procedure.

If the conflict is between personnel from different departments, the respective managers of both departments will resolve the issue. If needed, the complaint or Feedback form will be used and the protocols from the Continuous Improvement policy and procedure will be followed.

In case the conflict involves any personnel from the executive body or managers, the Complaint Feedback form will be filled and the case will be reviewed by Governing Body as per the Continuous Improvement policy and procedure.

The documentation of the grievance, outcome management and appeals are dealt with as per the Complaints and Feedback protocols described in the Continuous Improvement policy and procedure.

Supporting Documents

Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:

Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure

Procedure Ownership and Revision

The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and procedure. The individual responsibilities may be delegated to executive body members.

This procedure will be reviewed and approved by Governing Body on a regular basis (annually). If there are legislative or organisational changes, it will need to be reviewed more frequently. The current revision history is recorded in the table below:

Document History and Version Control