4.8 Emergency Policy and Procedure

Choice Community Health prepares and plans for possible emergencies in accordance with its Health, Safety and Environment and Risk Management policies and procedures.


Choice Community Health creates plans for emergencies to protect the safety and well-being of clients and staff and to ensure that care recipients have access to support without any interruption. Choice Community Health will ensure essential services are maintained as far as it is practicable and that full-service delivery is recommenced as soon as possible after an emergency.


In conjunction with the Health, Safety and Environment and Risk Management policies and procedures, this procedure lays out the procedures that will be implemented to ensure that all Choice Community Health related personnel are safe and understand their roles and responsibilities in case of an emergency. Detailed plans can be added depending on business location, size and coverage.


Detailed risk assessments for office and client locations will include emergency related hazards and the actions that can be taken to ensure protection of people and assets. This is discussed in detail in the Risk Management policy and procedure.

Emergency Protocols for Office

The following emergency protocols will be implemented for the Choice Community Health office space:

People & Culture Manager will the Emergency Warden for the office and will be responsible for implementing all these protocols.

Smoke detectors and fire alarms will be installed as per the regulations

Emergency exits will be marked

Backup power will be available in case of power outage

New staff will be training on emergency protocols as per the Staff Hiring and Induction policy and procedure.

Emergency Protocols for Client’s home

As per the Risk Assessment and Assessment, Review and Planning and Budget and Care Plan policy and procedures, all emergency situations depending on the client’s medical conditions, residential area and other relevant factors, will be assessed before development of their Care Plan. Care Manager will be responsible for ensuring that all recommended controls for emergency situations including training of Care Workers are implemented.

Supporting Documents

Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:

Risk Management Policy and Procedure