3.5 Ethics Policy and Procedure

Choice Community Health urges its employees and workers to behave ethically and professionally while conducting business related activities.


Choice Community Health is committed to conduct its business activities in an ethical, righteous and professional manner. All staff members and employees are urged to prioritise merit, ethics and professional integrity in all their business decisions, choices and actions.


Choice Community Health implements guidelines for staff responsibilities and activities to ensure that business activities are conducted in an ethical manner. Choice Community Health promotes a culture of honesty, fairness and integrity.

Workers are not allowed to:

Accept gifts or services that can impact or be perceived as fairly influencing your decision-making.

Lie or withhold information from clients or colleagues.

Act with malice towards any colleague or client.

Make false claims for leaves, unfinished work or tardiness.

Intoxication during work, or being under the influence of illegal substances or bring illegal substances to the workplace.

Steal, damage or destroy property belonging to the company, its workers' clients or stakeholders.

Engage in any behaviour which may not be ethical

In addition to this, Choice Community Health ‘s workers are expected to remain truthful at all times to ensure honesty is maintained and implemented within the framework and operations of Choice Community Health

Choice Community Health staff and management will also comply with the Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Diversity policy and procedure.

Personnel are encouraged to report any unethical behaviour using the Complaint or Feedback form as per the Continuous Improvement policy and procedure.

Supporting Documents

Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:

Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedure