4.1 Falls Prevention Policy and Procedure
The Falls Prevention Policy and Procedure provides guidance for staff on reducing the risk of clients falling.
Choice Community Health is committed to protecting its clients from any harm to their health and safety. This includes but is not limited to reducing the risk of Falls from trips, slips or any other possible ways.
Choice Community Health clients will be offered a falls risk assessment of their home as part of their home care package. If they decide to have the falls assessment done or if there is a risk of falling associated with any other services that Choice Community Health will be providing them, the risk assessment will be performed as per the Risk Management policy and procedure.
This assessment may include recommendation regarding:
Modifications to the client’s environment to remove trip hazards
Installation of mobility supports such as handrails
The use of mobility aids
Foot care
Exercises to improve strength and balance
Changes to medications
Preventive Measures
During provision of services at the client’s home, the workers will minimise the risk of falls by removing or advising to remove trip or slips hazards as recommended in the Risk Assessments. Workers will ensure that there are no wet or slippery surfaces arising from actions done during the service provision. Additionally, the worker will monitor the health condition of the client to foresee any problems they may be starting to encounter with mobility. The workers will also consider medication that may make the care recipient dizzy or nauseous during movement.
In case of a fall, it will be treated as an Incident and all protocols from the Incident Management policy and procedure will be followed.
Supporting Documents
Documents, forms and templates referenced in or related to this policy and procedure are listed below:
Incident Management policy and procedure