4.9 Health, Safety and Environment Policy and Procedure
The Health, Safety and Environment policy and procedure is implemented by Choice Community Health to ensure that all clients and staff receive and provide services in a safe and secure way. Occupational safety is highly prioritised and Choice Community Health follows a strict approach to achieve a zero-incident goal.
Choice Community Health is committed to providing a safe environment for all staff and clients. Choice Community Health commits to ensuring that no harm comes to clients’ and staff members’ health and possessions during the commencement of Choice Community Health activities.
The Choice Community Health’s Health, Safety and Environment system works through several policies and procedures.
Risk Assessment
All risks to employee and client health, safety and environment are assessed and mitigated. This is further detailed in the Risk Management policy and procedure.
Training and Awareness
As covered in the Staff Hiring and Induction policy and procedure, all new staff members are trained on the Health and Safety protocols when hired. Clients are provided with detailed assessments of their care provision services which outline all hazards and mitigation actions. This is further discussed in the Risk Management and Assessment, Planning and Review policies and procedure.
Incident and Emergencies Management
The Incident Management, Emergency Management, Risk Management and SIRS policies and procedures work in conjunction to ensure that all personnel are protected and aware of the protocols in case of incidents or emergencies.
Additional Protocols
The following policies and procedure which can be found in the Section 4 of this manual are implemented to provide additional details on the health, safety and environment protocols implemented by Choice Community Health
Waste Management
Personal Protective Equipment
Building and Environment
Infection Control