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Welcome to our Organisational Policies page. Here, you’ll find the key policies that shape how we deliver safe, high-quality, and client-centred care at Choice Community Health.

These policies reflect our dedication to supporting your rights, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment, ensuring staff safety, and continuously improving the services we provide.

Each section offers clear guidance and helps us stay aligned with the standards that matter most to you. We hope this page serves as a helpful resource for understanding the principles and practices that guide everything we do.


Client Rights and Safety

Abuse, Assault, or Neglect Policy

Client’s Rights and Responsibilities Policy

Dignity of Risk

Least Restrictive Alternative Policy

Restrictive Practices Policy

Client Centred Plans Policy

Incidents, Complaints

& Feedback

Incidents Policy

Complaints Policy

Feedback Policy

Advocacy, Inclusion & Support

Advocacy Policy

Culturally Appropriate Support Policy

Participation and Integration Policy

Staff Rights and Safety

Workplace Health and Safety

Code of Conduct

Manual Handling

Quality Assurance

Risk Management

Quality and Continuous Improvement Policy

Data Security

Confidentiality, Privacy and Dignity Policy

Handling of Files and Storage of Information Policy

Aged Care Policies and Procedures

Aged Care Policies

Document Hierarchy

graph TD;
    A["Operations Manual"] --> B["Policies"];
    A --> C["Procedures"];
    A --> D["SOPs"];
    B["Policies<br/>(High-level principles)"] --> C["Procedures<br/>(Implementation steps)"];
    C --> D["Standard Operating Procedures<br/>(Detailed instructions)"];
    style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style B fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style C fill:#dfd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    style D fill:#fdd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

This diagram illustrates the hierarchical relationship between our key operational documents: